This works just like a regular job, so your Sim won’t be able to work at the same time. There are 2 versions of this: The first is paid, the second unpaid. Here’s how that works: For the paid version, only the first level (University Applicant) is paid. You get §20,000 for completing your first objective. Then you choose your major and continue with the degree unpaid, using your ‘student loan’ to live on. The unpaid version gives you §0, so you can decide which you’d prefer.
There are 6 majors available:
1. Business
Freshman in Essential Business Skills
Sophomore in Enterprise and Small Business Management
Junior in Marketing
Senior in Banking and Finance
2. Technology
Freshman in Information Technology
Sophomore in Data Science & Analytics
Junior in Software Engineering
Senior in Forensic Computing and Security
3. Science and Medicine
Freshman in Biochemistry and Genetics
Sophomore in Principles of Medical Research
Junior in Cellular Basis of Immunity
Senior in Pharmacogenomics
4. Fine Arts
Freshman in Creative Arts
Sophomore in Exploring Media
Junior in Visual Culture
Senior in Moving Image Methodologies
5. Communications
Freshman in Visual Communications
Sophomore in Media Graphics
Junior in Video Journalism
Senior in Broadcasting
6. Physical Education
Freshman in Sport Development
Sophomore in Innovation and Professional Practice in Sport
Junior in Applications of Sport Psychology
Senior in Applied Teaching and Coaching
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