Jewelry Store by Sim4fun at Sims Fans Sims Fans – Furniture, Miscellaneous, Houses and Lots, Store / Shop : Jewelry Store by Sim4fun Download jewelry objects Sim4fun Sims 4 Sims Fans store Similar Custom Content:Robt modern cottage by Rirann at TSRFlora Bedroom by kardofe at TSRDion Dining Room by ArtVitalex at TSRLiving Capri by ung999 at TSRTS2 To TS4 Awe-Sims SF Club Chair at MsteaqueenTropical Family Villa by Pralinesims at TSR
newgamer6 says July 14, 2015 at 2:51 pm I love the jewelry shop, but for the life of me i cannot place items higher the 1 level in the tall case, could you please share your secret on how you achieved it? Thanking you in advance. Reply
newgamer6 says
I love the jewelry shop, but for the life of me i cannot place items higher the 1 level in the tall case, could you please share your secret on how you achieved it? Thanking you in advance.