SCULPTURE & STATUES 5 ITEMS at Jenni Sims Objects, Decor: SCULPTURE & STATUES 5 ITEMS – Jenni Sims. Download Jenni Sims Jennisims sculpture Sims 4 statue Similar Custom Content:Round rugs for kids by dorosimfan1 at Sims MarktplatzMore Classic Medallion Rugs by Christina51 at Mod The SimsBeach Bags at Leo SimsPaintings Picnic Party 21 designs at Jenni SimsOval Frames at One Billion PixelsSporty Carpets by Waterwoman at Akisima
Michelle says June 7, 2021 at 2:11 pm This is one of my all time favorite clutter sets. I love the creepy statues for haunted houses and paranormal builds and the mummy coffins are fantastic! I love to resize those bigger and use them in my museum builds. Reply
Michelle says
This is one of my all time favorite clutter sets. I love the creepy statues for haunted houses and paranormal builds and the mummy coffins are fantastic! I love to resize those bigger and use them in my museum builds.